IMAGE # - Jesus in the Interiorization of Prayer in Meditation.

by V. V. Sapar


Meditate “How to”

Genetic restoration

If you had hopes of climbing Mount Everest, would you look for a guide who has actually climbed to the top or would you settle for one who has gone a half or a third of the way, or possibly none of the way? Is it the same with meditation? Can an instructor take you only as far as he or she has gone themselves? Should we follow the example of the prophets of old such as, but not limited to, Jesus, Buddha and Krishna? They left us a very profound legacy, in both word and deed, with regard to their ongoing communion with their heavenly Father. Communion with God and its resultant exchange is a worthy goal as it is the essential element of meditation. It is the result of our concentrating on eternal truths.

The actual meaning of the word “meditate” is to engage in thought or contemplation with deeply focused concentration. Many well-meaning instructors believe in order to meditate, you must clear your mind of all thoughts. It seems likely they have not yet scaled the heavenly heights of consciousness themselves, for it is impossible to think about nothing at all. When you think about nothing, you’re actually thinking about something, being as your mind is occupied with attempting to think about nothing.

When meditating upon Truth, we must suspend all negative beliefs until they are swept peacefully away in the wake of our increasingly unwavering trust. The reality is we should always focus our thoughts on the fact that we are heirs to Divine power. As we meditate upon this obscure blessing, we will feel elated and intoxicated with the joy of experiencing and expanding upon this enabling and enhancing empowerment. As God’s heirs, we must be devoted to establishing the interchange of communion with Him. We must trust His hand is ever available and always at work and ready to bring peace and rest to our Soul.

On, you will find many poems, songs, and prayers which will increase your understanding of God and our relationship to Him. When we dwell on these sacred truths in meditation, we lift the veil of delusion, that which clouds our thoughts with fear and uncertainty. It will be helpful to study one of our works in particular. It is appropriately called “Meditation.” If one commits it to memory and meditates upon the truths therein, they will be lifted above the human condition. Eventually, they will view life from an eternal vantage point. All the ancient prophets, those who originally shed light on these truths, will be their guides. The wisdom of the Sages will inspire them in order that they may scale the highest peaks of consciousness, on an ever enlightening basis, as they commune with God in ever intensifying meditation.

We must concentrate deeply and regularly upon the highest truths we can aspire to in order to reap the resultant wisdom, peace, joy, healing and bliss which emanate from and are the much desired outcome of communing with God in meditation. It will also be beneficial to become familiar with our comprehensive interpretation of Jesus’ propitious insights entrusted to us in “The Lord’s Prayer.” As previously mentioned, please enjoy the many other enlightening interpretations of Truth which can be found on The uppermost goal one can aspire to in life is to experience just one tiny moment of the blissful and effulgent light of God contact. You will feel an immediate transformation of both mind and body. From that moment on, you will look forward to meditating, for your main desire will be to cultivate and thereby experience wholeness through the equally flowing exchange of communion with God. If one consecrates their life to the service and worship of God, they will be privy to a great power within. When we are able to connect to this omnipresent power, all ills are healed and all burdens are relieved.

By Paul Martin 5/15/2015
How to Meditate

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